
TNG - "Haven"

Deanna's mother comes on board, informing her that it is time for Deanna to be married to Wyatt, a young man she's been betrothed to. As it turns out, Wyatt is a pretty nice guy, and a brilliant doctor. When the Enterprise comes across a plague ship carrying a woman who Wyatt recognizes as someone he's had romantic psychic visions of for his entire life, he beams over to the plague ship in the hopes that he can save them and be with the woman he now loves. Deanna's mom goes "oh, well" and leaves.
Lwaxana Troi, played by Majel Barrett, AKA Captain Pike's "Number One," AKA Mrs. Gene Roddenberry, is one of the most fun and eccentric characters in the entire history of TNG. She adds a much-needed element of looseness and personality, breaking up the stodgy stiffness of the Enterprise crew.
The actual plot of this episode is pretty decent, if a little silly. At the very least, it's nice that Wyatt isn't the stereotypical "douchebag betrothed to female protagonist" character.

There's actually not a lot to say about this one. It's okay.

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