
TNG - "When the Bough Breaks"

The Enterprise discovers Aldea, the space equivalent of Atlantis, where people have become infertile and resorted to cloning. Now, however, the DNA source for the cloning is breaking down. The Aldeans kidnap the Enterprise's children and plan to use them to create new DNA for the cloning machines to use, thus preserving the Aldean race. The children, however, led by Wesley, passively resist the Aldeans' attempts to make them cooperate, while the Enterprise finds a way to break in and save them. In the end, Beverly manages to make the Aldeans fertile again, and the Enterprise leaves with its kids.

Well, this was kind of a middling episode if there ever was one. Part of the problem is that there's no real "threat" here. The kids aren't in any real danger, exactly, they're just forced to stay in a new (nice) home, but separated from their parents. The Aldeans aren't malevolent, just misguided. This would be fine if we got anything in the way of depth here, but we don't. The Aldeans are mostly two-dimensional characters at best, acting more like plot devices than real people.

Wesley actually shines a little here, showing maturity as he leads the kids in passive resistance. It's definitely behavior befitting of a Starfleet officer.

There just isn't anything here that's memorable. It's an interesting story concept, but there just isn't enough suspense or anything else to keep it interesting.

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